Category: humour

How Not to Deal with Smoke from Your Neighbour’s ‘Campfire’ that Forces You Inside with All the Windows Closed

(This may well appear in Satan Takes Over, the sequel to TurboJetslams: Proof #29 of the Non-Existence of God, but I thought I’d give a heads up to women  attempting to stand up for their rights in a straight-forward, rather than simpering, manner.)  (Not like you need one, probably.)

So I’m down at the …

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Leigh Anne Jasheway – brilliant!

I’ve recently discovered the brilliant and hilarious work of Leigh Anne Jasheway.

Her’s a great starting point: “20 Headlines from an Alternate Universe“

But take a look through (ALL OF) her other posts!

A wry smile for those over fifty or so

“Women’s magazines are typically associated with check-out lines in grocery stores, where they sport loud headlines that either promise a “beach body” in ten days, or describe exciting new ways to please a man in bed. (Back in the old days, all you had to do was show up.)” Erica Verrillo

And here’s something else that would never happen to a man …

Jass has also set up a tumblr page for additions to Jane Smith’s “And here’s something else that would never happen to a man…”

Jane Smith’s Translation Dictionary

An interesting thing about the novel (A philosopher, a psychologist, and an extraterrestrial walk into a chocolate bar…) is that one of the characters, Jane Smith, starts a ‘translation dictionary’ and the author, Jass Richards, has set up a tumblr page for people to add entries.  Cool.



Just out! A radfem novel!

JUST OUT from Lacuna!

A philosopher, a psychologist, and an extraterrestrial walk into a chocolate bar…  a novel by Jass Richards

It’s kinda an extended argument for radical feminism.  And very funny.

Here’s the blurb:

When a self-appointed independent activist and her office-temp-with-a-doctorate buddy embark on a quest for a chocolate bar (a bar that …

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Balls, by Jass Richards

Hilarious!  Check it out:

All White Male Panel Topics, Chris Hardie – from McSweeneys

Check it out!