Category: porn

Meghan Murphy’s “The Unbearable Coolness of Porn”

A simple but stunning observation: “… paying for sex is coercive – we all know that when people want to have sex with one another, they do it for free. No one needs to be paid unless one party is not enthusiastic about the sex.”

Read the whole thing here:

Men Who Hate Women: the extremism nobody is talking about, Laura Bates

I highly recommend reading this book! (Laura Bates is the person behind “Everyday Sexism” for those of you who don’t know …)

A few quotes and notes …

About all the pick-up artist sites (p79) teaching men what to say and do, how to trick a woman into having sex with him – They must …

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excerpts from MacKinnon’s Women’s Lives, Men’s Laws

I’ve just finished reading yet another MacKinnon book, Women’s Lives, Men’s Laws, and as usual, it’s absolutely brilliant. The book is well worth a complete read; I paste below some perfect gems.

(My used copy is marked DISCARD by the Porter County Library system. In itself, telling. Sigh.)

Reading this now.  It’s heavy-going, but well …

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Open Season on Women: More evidence of the pornification of our society

I live in a small lake-centered community about three hours north of Toronto, consisting of about thirty houses: about ten are occupied year-round; the others are occupied mostly just during the summer.  So, small neighbourhood.

Over the past few years, I’ve experienced six instances of what I would call over-the-top insult.  Specifically misogynist insult.

Man …

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“And I’ve had enough.” Speech by Sarah Field

“If you cannot define women, then you cannot defend them.”

“Its purpose [meeting of Leeds City Council] was not to tell Trans people what is best for them, but to tell politicians and lawmakers what is best for women.”

“And I’ve had enough.”

“So to be clear: men in this city can access a woman’s changing facility, …

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Says it all.

image thanks to StormLogic at

Exposing youth to porn is dangerous, but the harms of pornography don’t end there

Porn for Women

Check out her list of insightful observations:

How many men are addicted to porn?

How many men are addicted to porn?  We don’t know.  There are no visible symptoms.  No, that’s not true.  The visible symptoms are what we call normal behaviour.

Why Pornography Matters … Andrea Dworkin

My god, there’s something placard-worthy in every paragraph!!

“Why Pornography Matters to Feminists” from Letters from a War Zone, Andrea Dworkin:

Pornography is a n essential issue because pornography says that women want to be hurt, forced, and abused; pornography says women want to be raped, battered, kidnapped, maimed; pornography says women want to be …

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excerpt from Pornography and Civil Rights, MacKinnon/Dworkin

Pornography [also] engenders sex discrimination. By making a public spectacle and a public celebration of the worthlessness of women, by valuing women as sluts, by defining women according to our availability for sexual use, pornography makes all women’s social worthlessness into a public standard. Do you think such a being is likely to become Chairman …

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