from Ejaculating Responsibly: a whole new way to think about abortion, by Gabrielle Blair – A MUST-READ

from Ejaculate Responsibly: A whole new way to think about abortion, Gabrielle Blair

[P]regnancy and abortion are not ‘a woman’s issue.’  men don’t play a minor or supporting role in pregnancy.  Men’s lifelong continual fertility is the central driving force behind all unwanted pregnancies.  [All.]  p8

We treat ejaculation as something that happens at random, that is unintentional, that is impossible to anticipate or predict.  p17

Women—  [Actually, just read the whole of chapter 4: Ovulation is Involuntary, Ejaculation is not.]  p19

We don’t mind if women suffer, as long as it makes things easier for men.  [the title of chapter 10.]  p48

When men choose to have condom-less sex, they are putting a woman’s body, health, social status, job, economic status, relationships, and even her life, at risk in order to experience a few minutes of slightly more pleasure. … Would men really choose a few moments of slightly more pleasure over risking a woman’s whole life? [italics mine]  [Yes.  Apparently.]  p57

If Person One knows they have an STI and transmits it to their partner, Person Two, in many states that’s a crime, and Person One can be prosecuted by the state.  Additionally, Person Two can bring a civil suit against Person One.  If your bodily fluids have the potential to harm your partner [and she’s made an incontestable case that pregnancy has that potential] [actually, she establishes that harm is a certainty], it’s your responsibility to ensure they don’t.  p70

If you have a son, his sperm can “infect” any woman he has sex with.  … Pregnancy and childbirth are known to kill women.  Pregnancy and childbirth are highly likely to leave permanent scars and cause future health problems …  Unplanned pregnancy and childbirth can have a significant negative impact on the quality of life for the future child and their parents.    A man’s sperm can cause a huge amount of damage.  p71

Don’t ask: Why don’t women pick better men?  Instead, ask: Why are there so many abusive men?  And: Why don’t we teach men not to abuse?  p87   [Though I’d also ask: Why do they have to be taught not to abuse?]

“Patriarchy teaches us that sex, for women is a giveaway, while for men it is a takeaway.  She saves herself, gives herself to the right one, and then her virginity is lost.  In this equation, there is nothing in sex that’s for her to take.  Whereas he takes and scores and there is nothing in sex for him to give.  When her mind is programmed to give, she struggles to say ‘no’.  When his mind is programmed to take, he struggles to accept ‘no’.”  (from The 8th List of Shit That Made Me a Feminist, Farida D.)   p87

I’m trying to imagine how our culture would react if men with children peed themselves every time they  jumped or sneezed [a common ‘side-effect’ of pregnancy and childbirth].  I don’t think the medical community would be okay with that.  I think the issue would be solved by now.  p93

I think it’s safe to say that if sex were as risky for men as it is for women—with an unwanted pregnancy potentially leading to loss of social status, loss of career, a disruption of their education, physical disability, death, and the permanent responsibility for another human—that men would insist on having a choice in the matter.  [Yeah.  Why I wrote What Happened to Tom.]  p96

If a man ejaculates irresponsibly and causes an unwanted pregnancy, he faces zero consequences.  He can walk away at any time, and our current culture doesn’t really do much (or anything?) to discourage it.  [Yeah.  Given p91-95, impregnating should be consider premeditated aggravated assault, the full damages of which to be determined after childbirth, and putting male DNA on record at birth would enable charges to be confirmed.]   p107

Our society is set up to protect men from the consequences of their own actions  [like we do for children].   Our laws and policies could not be better designed to protect men who abandon the pregnancies they cause.  p109  [see the full list of evidence on p109-110]

Sperm should be considered a dangerous bodily fluid that can cause pain, a lifetime of disruption and even death for some.  Sperm can create a person.  Sperm can kill a person.  Sperm cause pregnancy, and pregnancy and childbirth can result in physical and mental health issues for women, as well as negative impacts to her social status, job status, and financial status.  p112


            “The all-male club members of Pi Eta, whose members are Harvard undergraduates and graduates, received a letter in the 1980s that promised ‘a bevy of slobbering bovines fresh for the slaughter’ at their parties.  As Peggy Sanday explains, the logic of such parties (at which women are frequently raped, including at this fraternity) is ‘Its male participants brag about their masculinity and its female participants are degraded to the status of what the boys call “red meat” or “fish”.'”   (The Pornography of Meat, Carol J. Adams, p119)

            I used to be surprised that Harvard, the university of so many of our future government and business leaders, is so misogynistic.  Now, looking at our world, I’m not surprised at all.

Social Experiment: 10 boys unsupervised; 10 girls unsupervised

Check it out:

Why won’t misogyny die?

Because believing you’re better simply because you’re male is, like believing you’re better simply because your skin is white, the only way to high(er) status that doesn’t depend on actually doing something.

barely tongue-in-cheek bit from Grant Naylor

“The GAS (Genetic Alternative Sports) … Sports fans were no longer interested in seeing a conventional boxing match, when they could witness two genetically engineered pugilists — who were created with their brains in their shorts, and all their other major organs crammed into their legs and feet, leaving their heads solid blocks of unthinking muscle — knock hell out of one another for hours on end in a way that normal boxers could only manage for minutes.”  Red Dwarf Omnibus (Better than Life) p490

Toddler vs Male CEO

Great list by Justine Cotter at McSweeney’s:

“Are You a Parent of a Toddler or an Assistant to a Male CEO of a Tech Startup?”

from Lessons in Chemistry, Bonnie Garmus

Just read this first novel by Bonnie Garmus. It’s great! Unapologetically feminist and funny! Here are some of my favourite lines (not counting Six-Thirty’s quips about German Shepherds):

“Idiots make it into every company. Then tend to interview well.” (p111)

And the bit about Dr. Spock (p144) and the bit ending with “Never seen a grown man run so fast.” (p145)

“They either wanted to control her, touch her, dominate her, silence her, correct her, or tell her what to do.” (p237)

“She shook her head in wonder. She had no idea why men believed women found male genitalia impressive or scary.” (p275)

“Sometimes I think … that if a man were to spend a day being a woman in America, he wouldn’t make it past noon.” (p323)

Three Rules, Phyllis Chesler

Three Rules:

  • The measure of your success is the resistance you encounter. Embrace it.
  • You can’t be a bystander without being complicit.
  • We don’t need a room of our own. We need a very large continent of our own.

Read the whole piece at

And there it is again … this time in Rob Grant’s Colony

And there it is again, this time in Rob Grant’s Colony: the belief that babies just … happen (they’re brought by a stork or found in a cabbage patch, perhaps?).

“Everyone finally agrees that global warming is a serious problem, now they’re up to their necks in water.  And as the land masses shrink, as resources drown under the swelling waters, the world population has exploded.  There are more people alive now than ever lived in the whole of human history.  Billions and billions trying to scrape a life from the receding land and its dwindling supplies.  More born every day.” (p25).

That SHOULD be “And as the land masses shrink, as resources drown under the swelling waters, men continue to impregnate women. … More made every day.”

‘Now’ is not the time to suddenly deny agency, control, power–all the thing you men so love.

Marianne LeNabat on Abortion

“Nowhere in Alito’s entire decision would you ever get a glimmer of why women actually seek out abortion.”

“That abortion happens later for one of two reasons: because of how difficult it is, geographically and financially, to access abortion sooner. Or because severe and often life-inhibiting abnormalities can only be reliably detected later. We are all still searhcing for the woman who just changed her mind about beign pregnant in hthe third trimester.” 🙂

“The ‘sanctity of life’ that is upheld by abortion opponents is unrecognisable in any other milieu. … There is no restriction against allowing a family member to die when they could artifically be kept alive. Physicians have no obligation to provide care to people who are not their patients, say at the scene of an accident. There is no obligation to donate much-needed organs or marrow or plasma to those who need them to survive. Medical decisions, like public policy are in no way guided by the notion that life must be preserved and prolonged and maximizsed at all costs, or even ats some kind of pirority over liberty and whatever else.”

from “Dobbs, Reality, and the ‘Moral Question’ of Abortion,” Marianne LeNabat, in The Philosophers’ Magazine 97

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