Category: popular culture

Of Boys and Men, Richard. V. Reeves – Quotes and Notes

Reeves quotes Kristof and WuDunn about the recent trend (which started in the 2010s): “Men in particular felt the loss not only of income but also of dignity that accompanied a good job.” from Tightrope: Americans Reaching for Hope, Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn (p62)

Poor babies.  Need I point out that women would not …

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The Authority Gap, Mary Ann Sieghart – A MUST READ

As I was reading this book, I realized right away I wanted to post about it, so I started making a list of bits to mention, but very quickly there were just too many!!  So – A MUST READ.  This book is FULL of all the stats you ever wanted to support your personal experience: …

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Great scene from Shriver’s novel … disciplinary charges for threatening behavior…

An excerpt from Lionel Shriver’s The Motion of the Body through Space

The whole tribunal, wherein an older white man is “hauled up on disciplinary charges for threatening behavior and racially and sexually aggravated assault”), indeed the whole chapter, is WELL WORTH the read.


REMINGTON: Just because she felt threatened doesn’t mean she was …

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“Men need Sex” — a story about a story

So I wrote a story, “Men Need Sex.”  I started with the mistaken, but wide-spread, belief that men need sex (PIV).  Mistaken because, unlike food, water, and oxygen, without sex, you don’t die.  Then, ‘inspired’ by Roger Elliott, I thought, ‘What if?’  What if men really did die if they didn’t get sex.  I postulated …

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On Advertising

Advertising has gained such phenomenal power, it’s now allowed pretty much everywhere.  And because it’s allowed pretty much everywhere, it has gained phenomenal power.

In fact, it has almost single-handedly destroyed the concept of public space because of its invasion of said public space with constant and loudly-proclaimed messages intended for private gain (not for …

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Trying to figure out people’s actions or thinking — banned on Reddit? WTF.

So in addition to all the radfem censorship on reddit …

I posted the following on the AskMen subreddit:

Why do men rape?

That’s my question. Seriously. Why do men rape? I just wrote a novel answering that question, Impact, but I’d like to hear from men. (And perhaps should’ve posted here BEFORE I wrote …

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Catharine MacKinnon on words and images …

“Words and images are how people are placed in hierarchies, how social stratification is made to seem inevitable and right, how feelings of inferiority and superiority are engendered, and how indifference to violence against those on the bottom is rationalized and normalized.” Only Words, p.31

Did men invent this?

So I’ve been talking with my friend about the effect on the internet (and computers in general) of the overwhelming male influence (the high percentage of male ITers, coders, what have you) and simultaneously formatting the blog-comments sections of my forthcoming novel Gender Fraud: a fiction, and I realize the ‘reply’ design (widgets?) for comments …

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A woman was raped. A man raped a woman.

A woman was raped.  A man raped a woman.

He got her pregnant.  She made him a father.

Submit your additions via comment.

History, the News, Men, Women, Life, Death, Joy, Pain

History, many say, is nothing but violence, war, death …

Yes, because men write it.

If women wrote history, maybe we’d put something else center stage.  Maybe themselves.

And maybe if all that violence didn’t make the front page, there’d be less of it.

And if men became unimportant, then what they did would become …

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