Category: transwomen

8 Handy Tricks Women Can Use To Beat Trans Athletes

Delightful post at the Babylon Bee:

“Clapping for your own erasure”

Great video. Watch to the end, as Irene Brit expresses the situation so … succinctly.

Great piece from Babylon Bee – “I don’t want my skull fractured …”

Comedian Leo Kearse on Finnish Trans Figure Skater

I especially liked the newborn giraffe comment.

(And of course the astute ‘equality’ argument and the point about who was ousted when he was chosen for inclusion, which to my mind, fully justifies the mockery.)

aurora linnea on Ekman’s “On the Meaning of Sex”

An excellent review of an excellent book here.

And because a link isn’t anywhere near sufficient …

“On the Meaning of Sex reads like a forensic dissection, its forty concise chapters taking apart the corpus of transgender ideology piece by piece. No fallacy-wrapped riddle of a paradox is spared the nick of Ekman’s scalpel as …

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Women are presumed incompetent. (We know this.)

“As a man, you’re assumed to be competent unless proven otherwise,” she says. “Whereas as a woman you’re presumed to be incompetent unless proven otherwise” (Transgender Men and Sexism). When she transitioned, she gained authority and professional respect overnight.

(Now if only we could hear from transwomen.  Hear them ADMIT that they LOST authority and …

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Funny how male violence …

South Park on trans in sports – hilarious!

We’re not debating whether you exist.

If Laurel Hubbard was actually a woman…

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