This is what happens – new feminist novel by chris wind – review copies available

Here’s the blurb:

How is it that the girl who got the top marks in high school ends up, at fifty, scrubbing floors and cleaning toilets for minimum wage, living in a room above Vera’s Hairstyling, in a god-forsaken town called Powassan?  

Feminist theorist Dale Spender wrote, in Women of Ideas and What Men Have Done to Them, “We need to know how patriarchy works.  We need to know how women disappear….”   Indeed we do.  Where are all the straight-A girls from high school?  Why, how, have they ‘disappeared’?  Marriage and kids is an inadequate answer because married-with-kids straight-A boys (of which, let’s acknowledge, there are fewer) are visible.  Everywhere.  Even the straight-B boys are out there. This is what happens responds to Spender’s urgent comment.

Review copies are available; contact

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