Category: feminism

“Thus Saith Eve” by Chris Wind – sensational performance by Deoudone van der Merwe

Wendy Murphy on Equal Treatment vs Equal Rights

from Amazons, Bluestockings and Crones: a feminist dictionary, a woman’s companion to words and ideas, by Cheris Kramarae and Paula A. Treichler

A hefty book of over 500 pages of entries, but worth, at the very least, a skim through for words of interest to you.  Here are a few that I love:

Academia: a hierarchy whose “purpose is the production of prestige”  (Jo Freeman, 1979)

Acknowledgements: … where authors acknowledged the ideas and intellectual contributions of …

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from Dale Spender’s Nattering on the Net  — quotes and notes

According to 19th C feminist scholar Matilda Joslyn Gage, 9 million women were executed or burned for having knowledge—i.e., for being witches (p163)

Wow.  Did not know it was that many.

“Had women ever  contributed to the design of roads and vehicles, there is no doubt that the entire system would look very different.  The …

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things we — women — wouldn’t have without feminism

Sad to say, I’ll bet some will surprise you.

aurora linnea on Ekman’s “On the Meaning of Sex”

An excellent review of an excellent book here.

And because a link isn’t anywhere near sufficient …

“On the Meaning of Sex reads like a forensic dissection, its forty concise chapters taking apart the corpus of transgender ideology piece by piece. No fallacy-wrapped riddle of a paradox is spared the nick of Ekman’s scalpel as …

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Homophobia – great quote

“Homophobia is not actually straight men being afraid of gay men. It’s straight men afraid of any man treating them like they treat a woman.” quoted in Manifest: Transitional Wisdom on Male Privilege as a viral cartoon

from Lessons in Chemistry, Bonnie Garmus

Just read this first novel by Bonnie Garmus. It’s great! Unapologetically feminist and funny! Here are some of my favourite lines (not counting Six-Thirty’s quips about German Shepherds):

“Idiots make it into every company. Then tend to interview well.” (p111)

And the bit about Dr. Spock (p144) and the bit ending with “Never seen a …

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The Privilege of Men, Judith Mazzucco

The Privilege of Men by Judith Mazzucco starts as an unremarkable novel about the meat industry, but then WHAM! the metaphor in chapter 16—  At least I think, I hope, it’s a metaphor and not something that’s actually happening somewhere right now.  Though—and I’m not sure whether this is Mazzucco’s point or whether she’s ‘just’ …

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The End of Men – Christina Sweeney-Baird

Just read The End of Men, Christina Sweeney-Baird – well worth the read, one of several notable bits:

[She pretends to be infected] “I have never felt so powerful.  This must be what men used to feel like.  My mere physical presence is enough to terrify someone into running.  No wonder they used to get …

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