Category: rape

Jaded, Ela Lee

Highly recommended!

A few impressive bits:

“I’m minded to pursue the current approach, given the sensitivities in this area, and reassess once we have greater visibility over how the strategy has been received,” Will spoke, baritone and authoritative.

“Urrrr,” Genevieve’s voice grumbled, … “is your Grand Plan of Action that you will carry on as …

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“clear, coherent, willing, and ongoing”

Read the whole article here:

sexual assault in the military

from “Dishonorable Behavior” Elizabeth D. Samet

Dishonorable Behavior

Some good bits:

“Among the linguistic tics cadets most quickly acquire is the use of the noun female in lieu of woman. They see it in formal briefings and official documents, and they hear it in everyday conversation. Woman is by far the more usual choice in …

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On rape and being drunk

So I watched “The Assault” (on peacock) last night … about a cheerleader who gets raped by the team … sigh … but there was something that really made me stop and think.  (Always a good thing.)

They claimed she consented, she was drunk/unconscious so even if she had consented, it would be considered invalid …

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Men Who Hate Women: the extremism nobody is talking about, Laura Bates

I highly recommend reading this book! (Laura Bates is the person behind “Everyday Sexism” for those of you who don’t know …)

A few quotes and notes …

About all the pick-up artist sites (p79) teaching men what to say and do, how to trick a woman into having sex with him – They must …

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A sexy pout??

So I read the phrase “a sexy pout” and realized yes! That’s what that look is, when women thrust out their lips and look so sad. They’re pouting. And they do it to look sexy. Wait, what?

Why is a pout sexy?  Children pout.  So if a pout is sexy, that means that men are …

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“Men need Sex” — a story about a story

So I wrote a story, “Men Need Sex.”  I started with the mistaken, but wide-spread, belief that men need sex (PIV).  Mistaken because, unlike food, water, and oxygen, without sex, you don’t die.  Then, ‘inspired’ by Roger Elliott, I thought, ‘What if?’  What if men really did die if they didn’t get sex.  I postulated …

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Rape: a men’s issue

Men are the ones who rape, so why is rape a women’s issue?  Because men see nothing wrong with rape. 

Men: the sooner you recognize this, the sooner you’ll see rape as a men’s issue.

Thank you, Diana E. H. Russell

The Politics of Rape was one of the first (of a great many) works about rape that I read.

See what else she wrote at

(And thanks, Julian, not only for that list but for your comments about the NYT obituary. Sigh.)

Why is it they can’t even SAY ‘rape’?

Why is it they can’t even SAY ‘rape’? Ya gotta wonder.

And here’s an interesting answer:

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