Category: sports

“Clapping for your own erasure”

Great video. Watch to the end, as Irene Brit expresses the situation so … succinctly.

Comedian Leo Kearse on Finnish Trans Figure Skater

I especially liked the newborn giraffe comment.

(And of course the astute ‘equality’ argument and the point about who was ousted when he was chosen for inclusion, which to my mind, fully justifies the mockery.)

barely tongue-in-cheek bit from Grant Naylor

“The GAS (Genetic Alternative Sports) … Sports fans were no longer interested in seeing a conventional boxing match, when they could witness two genetically engineered pugilists — who were created with their brains in their shorts, and all their other major organs crammed into their legs and feet, leaving their heads solid blocks of unthinking …

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South Park on trans in sports – hilarious!

Proposed Official Men’s Volleyball Uniform – Equality in Sport

The difference between women and men

Can’t stop staring at the picture of Serena Williams and Andy Murray. It seems to sum up the difference between women and men.

Why won’t men shoot free throws like …

See article here at a great site for, of, men examining masculinity (it’s about time!).

Sports Competition, Sports Scholarships

In my novel Gender Fraud: a fiction, several people discuss the negative effect of gender recognition legislation on women’s sports (in a nutshell, it allows men to compete in women’s events and often they win … sponsorships, scholarships …) and one person suggests that sports should be categorized not by sex but, instead, by directly …

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A tale of two athletes – thanks to ovarit

Sexism and Sports

Watch the video:

Rio 2016 – Sexism Alive and Well with Elizabeth Plank

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