A Law of Her Own: The Reasonable Woman as a Measure of Man, Caroline A. Forell and Donna M. Matthews

Well worth the read.  Some quotes and notes …

“Because law is based on male experience, it ‘understands’ men.  Thus, courts apply male values to conclude that sexual and sexist workplace conduct is merely annoying, that fear of a stalker is unjustified, and that sex against a woman’s will is seduction.” (p3)

“Men’s physiology defines most sports, their needs define auto and health insurance coverage, their socially designed biographies define workplace expectations and successful career patterns, their perspectives and concerns define quality in scholarship, their experiences and obsessions define merit, their objectification of life defines art, their military service defines citizenship, their presence defines family, their inability to get along with each other—their wars and rulerships—defines history, their image defines god, and their genitals define sex.”  Catharine MacKinnon in Feminism Unmodified (p5)  I never tire of quoting her!

“[E]ven if sociobiologists are correct [about men’s reproductive drive being evolutionary …], it does not follow that men must prevail when their interests conflict with those of women, nor that men are justified in behaving badly.” (p13)

“In her [MacKinnon’s] view, it is because women are dominated by men that they are different.” (p13)  Wow.  Very interesting reversal of status quo interpretation …

“As Senator Paul Simon put it: ‘Many men were stunned to learn what women regard as sexual harassment.'” (p24)  Then they fucking haven’t been listening.  Sigh.

“… the average sentence for a woman who kills an intimate is fifteen to twenty years; for a man, it is two to six years.” (p158)  I knew it was different, but geez loueez.

“… women do not generally kill their intimates unless hey reasonably believe there is no other solution to their situation.” (p161)   Right, whereas men—how could killing even be considered a last resort?  That there is no other solution to, what, the problem of her insulting him?  Arguing with him?  Leaving him?  Um.  Walk away.  Let her go.

“… male-based inquiry focuses on her instead of him, asking ‘Why didn’t she leave?’ when she kills him … instead of [asking] ‘Why didn’t he let her go?'” (p162)  YES!!

“… women in the United States are five to ten times more likely to be killed by their husbands than are European women.  This difference, among other factors, shows that men killing their intimates is not biologically predetermined.”  (p162)  Indeed.  It shows that American men are soooo fucked up.  Well, at least more fucked up than European men.

“… most men do not kill women intimates when they leave or commit adultery.  The small percentage of men who do not take responsibility for their rage and violence, who hurt and kill their intimates, define a perverse legal norm.”  (p178)  So why aren’t those other men doing something about it?  Why aren’t upset that the few are giving them such a bad rep?

“Despite the frequency with which men commit violence against other men, our law and society do not thereby conclude that men like or want to be beaten, nor that men provoke the violence by their appearance, ‘merriment’, or failure to repeatedly communicate their nonconsent.” (p223)

Great piece from Babylon Bee – “I don’t want my skull fractured …”


Wonderful collection of second-wave feminist publications

Wonderful collection of ’60s and ’70s feminist publications (journals, magazines, zines)!


“Just take them and leave me alone” – powerful image by Raoof Haghighi


The Collected Apologies of Lawrence H. Summers, President of Harvard

great list by Laurence Hughes on McSweeney’s here:


“If you can’t trust me with a choice …

how can you trust me with a child?”

brilliant bumper sticker from The Onion

“The reason why men tell women to smile.”

Great post and comments here:


“The Fragile Male” – interesting reading



from somewhere …


Inferior, Angela Saini

Just a few quotes and notes –

“… the perennial problem of childcare, which lifts women out of their jobs at precisely the moment that their male colleagues are putting in more hours and being promoted” (p6)—yeah, to avoid childcare

“It was also thought that merely having women around might disrupt the serious intellectual work of men.” (p10 —probably true, but that’s their fault (can’t handle distractions) (and, before that, that they find women they find sexually attractive to BE a distraction) (or women they don’t find sexually attractive to be a distraction, b/c wtf are they doing here?!) and, so, their responsibility

and if you don’t know about Lise Meitner and Rosalind Franklin and Jocelyn Bell Burnell (how men kept the Nobel Prize from them)

re how male peacocks evolved bright, fancy plumage to attract hens, and lions evolved glorious manes … “For humans, the logic goes, this vigorous competition for women means that men have had to be warriors and thinkers” (p19)—why not beauty queens?  (THAT would be a logical conclusion)

re selective abortion and infanticide in India, “Women are wanted as wives and girlfriends, but not as daughters” (p41)—where do they think the wives and girlfriends come from?

the whole ‘men are bigger’ thing (p42)—yes, they are on average six inches taller, but our chest measurements are typically bigger, our hip measurements are typically bigger, and our thigh measurements are typically bigger (sometimes even our waist and calf measurements)

“In pharmacology, the study of medical drugs, the articles reporting only on males outnumbered those reporting only on females by five to one.” (p57)—good to keep in mind

re one of the reasons not to include women is that “A woman’s fluctuating hormone levels might … affect how she responds to a drug.” (p58)—wouldn’t that be a reason to include them?  don’t we need to KNOW how our hormone levels affect our response to drugs???

re babies who stare at faces longer (female babies, it’s said) were deemed to be more socially inclined (p70)—maybe it wasn’t that they LIKED faces more (than mechanical stuff), maybe they were CONFUSED by them and so stared at them longer, trying to understand them

re males better for analyzing and building systems (p69) than females b/c “males tend to think narrowly while females think broadly” (p72)—wouldn’t that make females BETTER for designing systems?  (b/c they can see the big picture?)

as for chap7, “Why Do Men Dominate?” — because they’re naturally bullies (i.e., ethically-challenged)

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