Category: novels

from Lessons in Chemistry, Bonnie Garmus

Just read this first novel by Bonnie Garmus. It’s great! Unapologetically feminist and funny! Here are some of my favourite lines (not counting Six-Thirty’s quips about German Shepherds):

“Idiots make it into every company. Then tend to interview well.” (p111)

And the bit about Dr. Spock (p144) and the bit ending with “Never seen a …

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The Assistants by Camille Perri – highly recommended!

Just finished reading Camille Perri’s The Assistants — highly recommended! It’s Nine to Five updated and with a great moral element; better than any nonfiction book about the income inequity between the top 1% and the rest of us … With attitude, to boot! “Robert had tie-clips that cost as much as those [student loan] …

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John Varley’s Dark Lightning

It’s just space opera, but I love that the girls kick ass and the prettyboy hunk is pretty much useless.

Women’s Work, Kari Aguila

An interesting novel, worth the read!

“Think about how different our world is going to be when this generation of boys grows up, having been allowed to grow into whole, good, decent men. Nobody is going to tell them that they have to go through life being some stupid caricature of masculinity anymore. They can …

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The ReGender App – review copies available!

What if there was an app that could cloak you in a cross-gendered hologram?  And it had a voice modulation module?  Women could present as men and get better-paying jobs.  Men could present as women and get groped in the subway.  Cool.

Review copies available! Contact and/or visit her website at (Or do …

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Gender Fraud: a fiction – new novel – review copies available!

I hope that ‘gender recognition’ legislation, which reveals a failure to differentiate between sex and gender and, with respect to sex, a denial of the definitive role of chromosomes, will soon be repealed.

I fear that this horror story will take its place.

Review copies (free) are available (obligating you merely to CONSIDER writing …

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This is what happens – new feminist novel by chris wind – review copies available

Here’s the blurb:

How is it that the girl who got the top marks in high school ends up, at fifty, scrubbing floors and cleaning toilets for minimum wage, living in a room above Vera’s Hairstyling, in a god-forsaken town called Powassan?  

Feminist theorist Dale Spender wrote, in Women of Ideas and …

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Impact – review copies available!

Impact presents an extended confrontation between a sexual assault victim and her assailants, as part of an imagined slightly revised court process, in order to understand why they did what they did and, on that basis, to make a recommendation to the court regarding sentence.  It does not go … as expected.


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It Wasn’t Enough (new feminist novel) – REVIEW COPIES AVAILABLE

It Wasn't Enough

Review copies of It Wasn’t Enough, a new novel by Peg Tittle, are now available! Please inquire:

Here’s the blurb: What if one day, all of the women suddenly disappeared? Without what it is that women do, what it is that women are — what would happen?

The novel was inspired by a …

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And here’s something else that would never happen to a man …

Jass has also set up a tumblr page for additions to Jane Smith’s “And here’s something else that would never happen to a man…”

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